Thursday, March 19, 2015

My Latest Antique Faire Finds

The weather is warming up so nicely over here on the west coast and I'm loving it!  It's the perfect weather for antique faire and flea market shopping.  Who doesn't like picking through someone else's old stuff with the distraction of awesome food from various food trucks, kettle corn, and the challenge of finding the best deals?

If you didn't know, I live in California's Central Valley.  We are midway between the Bay Area and Sacramento.  Because of our unique location, I've been able to set up a schedule where we can pretty much go to an antique faire/flea market 3 out of 4 Sundays every.single.month.  It's pretty awesome.

If you haven't gone to an antique faire of flea market yet, I suggest you yelp or google some in the cities and towns close to you.  For us here in the Central Valley, this is the schedule I have come up with:

1st Sunday of Every Month:  Alameda Point Antiques Faire
2nd Sunday:  Sacramento Antique Faire
Last Weekend of Every Month:  Treasure Island Flea

The 3 that I have listed above are my favorite places to find unique pieces for my home.  Also, when I say "flea market", I don't mean the kinds where you can buy 10 packs of tube socks for $3 or a bunch of batteries for $2.  The Treasure Island Flea is the kind where artists make unique handmade goods  and crafters share their work.

Cell phone picture of Treasure Island Flea!
Now, for the good stuff... These are some of the amazing pieces I've found to decorate my home:

$20 pedestal side table

Milk Glass 

Grain Sack (that I'm using as a table runner)

Antique jars

Framed chicken wire

Awesome right?  Also, nothing pictured above cost me more than $25.  The deals at antique faires and flea markets can be awesome if you know what you are looking for and you know how much these items typically cost.  My advice for shopping at places like these is to keep an open mind and go in with a set budget.  I usually don't tell myself that I want to find a specific item when shopping at a faire because I want to be able to appreciate all the cool stuff around me.  I just make sure I tell myself I don't want to spend over a certain $ amount so that once I pass this spending limit, I stop buying.

For those of you who shop at antique faires often, do you have any advice?  What are your favorite places to find treasures?  Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Hunting!

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