Saturday, May 17, 2014

License to go WILD!

When I first started looking at homes, I imagined my living room to be decorated in a very neutral color palette with comfy furniture and soft fabrics.  I imagined a relaxing, spa-like cottage style home I could call my retreat.  In reality, I decorated my living room with darker colored furniture and nothing matched. much as I aspired to have a living room that looked like those of Liz Marie Blog or Thistlewood Farms, I ended up with a color palette that is darker and brighter than I had imagined.

But guess what?  I LOVE it!  Why?  Because I realized that I'm staying as true to myself as possible by picking colors and furniture that inspires me and makes me happy.  At first, I felt awkward about having every furniture be a different color with different finishes, but I realized that with the right accessories, I can make all the furniture in my living room look more cohesive.

 For my living room, I chose colorful accent pillows that matched the color of my furniture.  The pillows tie in all the colors and make the mismatched furniture seem less random.  I love that I'm able to have a living room with furniture that "goes" together while still having a colorful palette.  The biggest lesson I've learned with decorating my living room is staying true to myself by going wild with color.  As much as I wanted the chic cottage-style living room, I couldn't naturally decorate my room that way.  I ended up with a living room that matched my personality--a little quirky and a little loud.

So take it from me, when it comes to decorating stay true to your style.  If you find yourself with a bunch of colors that just don't seem to "go" together, find accessories that can tie everything in.  Trust your instincts when choosing colors and furniture that make you happy.  After all, aren't we decorating for ourselves anyway?

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